Bangkok Ultra Trail Festival – Race Review

Followed up the 100-mile week and Pattaya Marathon by running my first ever ultra run. The Bangkok Ultra Trail Festival in Nong Chok offered a pretty humane course and it was just another 8k compared to the marathon distance. 50k sounded like a good choice for a first-time ultra run.
All distances (7k-50k) had the same route, a 7k loop around a lake and through paddy fields. Consequently, we ran the loop 7+ times. For being a trail run, it was a flat course, no major hills only a couple of minor climbs. Due to the rain lately, the main concern was the muddy and slippery trails/roads.

The race started at 6.15 in the morning. As the ultra running rookie I am, I had decided to let someone else set the pace, at least for the first lap. Almost immediately I noticed that everyone was starting conservatively. I don’t like conservativeness so I deviated from the game plan after only 100 meters or so. I took the lead and never looked back.
First lap (7k) was easy and lonely. Pace just under 4 min/km. Kept more or less the same pace the second and third lap. It seemed like I was to run the race by myself…
Half of the loop was dirt road, not slippery, just a few puddles. The other 3.5k was more muddy and the clay got worse for every lap. The lack of grip got more and more tiring by the lap. I do love my Brooks T7, but the sole is not ideal for wet trail running. Forth and fifth laps averaging just over 4 min/km.
Had to work a bit the final two laps. Energy was running out, but I felt in control, wasn’t going to hit the wall. Grabbed water at every station all through the race, took a bootle coconut water for each of the last three laps and even popped a gel with 10k to go.

Finished in 3 hours and 25 minutes. The first runner up came 15 minutes later… but still had another lap to go. All results.

This was a well organized event by AMA Events. The course as well as the kilometer marks were accurately measured, water stations every 3.5k (2 per lap) and food and beverage was served after the race. The race course was nice. Hardcore trail runners would find it way too easy and not challenging enough, but I enjoyed the countryside scenery in the outskirts of Bangkok.
Excellent run, must feel great to keep a steady fast pace for that long of a distance. Whatever your doing in training seems to be working.