Charity Midnight Run 2014 Review

The Midnight Run attracted a lot of participants once again. Seems like last year’s record of 7,000 registrations was broken. Hopefully even more than 4.6 million Baht was raised to charity this year.
The race was as always a combination of madness and fun as one could expect when thousands of people run through central Bangkok in the middle of the night. I managed to get away relatively smooth from the start avoided getting stuck in the masses of enthusiastic 6 and 12k runners.

Just as I remember from last year’s race, a group of 6-7 runners took off like bullets. I joined the leaders and the first kilometer was covered in 2.47 min. Also as last year, the pace soon slowed down. I then overtook the lead and ran the rest by myself.
I wasn’t feeling 100% before the race, but managed to finish in 38.15 (still waiting for the official results) and defended my title. On the podium I was joined by a familiar face, K Suwari won the women’s overall once again.

Next up, Unique Running Ekiden Relay. See you in Rot Fai Park on Thursday!
too many people @ the start line , mixed 6km and 12km. this led to 10-15 minutes delay before the all participants cross the start line.
recommend to
– split the racers’ categories. 6k and 12k can be started at the same time but separate the track at the start/finish point , so there will be more relax at the start line.
– setup photo booth along the way, thus the fun-run selfies and groupfies will not block the running path
Yes, it’s crowded indeed, but that’s part of this event’s charm too.
Agree though, the start needs to be improved.
Great work Henrik (as always). What was you time last year? No drama finding your way this time?
Think I shaved a few seconds off from last year’s 38.24.
The midnight run is always drama, but at least I knew the route this time.
Any idea where pictures of the podium can be found?