EGAT Mini Marathon 2013

An early Sunday morning wake up today to get to Nonthaburi and the EGAT Mini Marathon held outside Electricity Generating Authority of Thailands’s headquarter. This is definitely not one of the bigger running events in Thailand, but there were quite a few people toeing the starting line at 6 AM. Before race start, the organiser played the Royal Anthem of H.M. The King Bhumibol of Thailand, which was pretty massive when all the runners sang along.

The Race Course

The Mini Marathon was a 10.8 km race along some rather quiet streets of Nonthaburi, Bangkok. The first kilometre mark was way too early, some 6-700 meters into the race only. This messed up the the other marks as well, but that’s part of the charm in this kind of smaller event. The announced distance of 10.8 km however, seemed to be pretty accurate. The last checkpoint on top of a 6-storey car ark, spiced the last kilometre up a bit. A tough finish, particularly  if you didn’t expect to run up and down the car ramp.

The Organisation

No problem to register on site and the bag drop went smooth. The start was more or less punctual, the song and a couple of speeches hold it up only for a few minutes. There were water stations every 2 km or so and no disturbing traffic what so ever. Instead of receiving a medal after the race, all participants received a photo of themselves and a frame to put it in. All and all, EGAT Mini Marathon 2013 was a nice Sunday morning race.

EGAT Mini Marathon 2013

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