Pattaya Marathon – Last 2 Days to Register!
Pattaya Marathon 2014 is on July the 27th, but the registration closes tomorrow (July 9). Sign up on the organizer’s website or via Go Adventure Asia.

= $today1[0])
{ $today1 = getdate(strtotime(“+1 days”)); $today2 = getdate(strtotime(“+2 days”));
$stay = date(“Y-m-d”,strtotime(“+1 days”)).”~”.date(“Y-m-d”,strtotime(“+2 days”));
$partner = “”;
$defcur = $_REQUEST[‘cur’] ? $_REQUEST[‘cur’] : “THB”;
$province= $_REQUEST[‘pv’];
#$location= $_REQUEST[‘loc’] ? $_REQUEST[‘loc’] : “Chang Puek”;
$adult = $_REQUEST[‘person’] ? $_REQUEST[‘person’] : 2;
$child = $_REQUEST[‘person2’] ? $_REQUEST[‘person2’] : 0;
$region=””; $promote=””; $sorting = “name”; $lg = “en”;
$HNOs = “638253,638315,638185,638191,638243,638131,638273,638329,638321,638134,638291,638143,638226,638230,638122,638301,638301,638346,638232,638297,638115,638328,638237,638249,638338,638155,638344,638187”;
$url = “”.$partner.”&h=”.$HNOs.”&r=”.$region.”&c=”.$defcur.”&v=”.$province.”&kl=”.$location.”&s=”.$sorting.”&d=”.$stay;
$xml = @simplexml_load_file($url) or die(“Sorry, can’t open this: “.$url);
Hotels Nearby Pattaya Marathon’s Race Venue
hotel as $hotel) { # loop for display hotel list
Location: location; ?>
Destination: region); ?>
Rates From: minrate) { echo number_format(+$hotel->minrate).” “.$hotel->minrate[‘cur’]; } ?>
if ($promote == “1”) { if ($hotel->promote == ”) continue; } # check for hotel which have promotion
$attr = $hotel[‘hno’];
promote != ”) { ?>
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