Race reports from Nov 2-3

Race reports from Nov 2-3
Thailand Iron Man Mini Marathon

A new weekend is already approaching, but let’s have a quick look at last weekend’s races first.

In Bangkok, the Thailand Iron Man Mini Marathon was held in Saturday November the 2nd. It turned out to be a fast 5k race where the Kenyans grabbed all the top spots. Fastest man of the day finished in 14.40 and all top-5 runners were under 16 minutes. The Sunday’s SCG race was postponed (new date not announced yet) due to the political protests in Bangkok, but the 180 Years Thai-U.S. Charity Fun Run took place as scheduled.

Thailand Iron Man Mini Marathon
Thailand Iron Man Mini Marathon
180 Years Thai-U.S. Charity Fun Run
180 Years Thai-U.S. Charity Fun Run

Different sources from the Zulu W Run in Kanchanaburi gave similar reports, namely that the race was a mess. The announced distance of 80 km was only 60 km(!), there were several places where runners easily could (and many did) take shortcuts and all cash awards were not handed out as promised. All and all, it was a terribly organized race. If you’re looking for an unofficial 80 km world record, maybe next year’s Zulu run is for you. Otherwise, think twice before you sign up for the Zulu W Run 2014.


More positive reports from Chiang Mai and the PEA Mini Marathon. Nice course along the River Ping and into the city. Passionate and dedicated organizers along with a relatively chilly weather of around 22C and a great family like atmosphere, summarize yet another Chiang Mai running event worthwhile.

PEA Mini Marathon trophies
PEA Mini Marathon trophies
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