Bangkok Marathon 2013 – Review

Before we leave this year’s Bangkok Marathon behind us, here is a summary of the event itself.
The marathon in numbers:
– 1904 people were signed up for the full marathon, 1899 completed it.
– 233 female racers (12%), and 1666 male (87%)
– Fastest time: 2:30:27 (avg. pace 3:34/km)
– Average time: 5:02:00 (avg. pace 7:18/km)
– Slowest time: are: 7:22:10 (avg. pace 10:30/km)
– 47 countries were represented in the marathon. Most participants from Thailand (1460), Japan (172), Singapore (37), China (24), Great Britain (23)
Thanks to Rangsarn, Bangkok Runners
+ The full marathon distance was accurate, 42.2 km
+ The announced starting times followed schedule.
+ Water stations every other kilometer (at least along the full marathon course)
+ Clear signage.
– Terrible kilometer marks, sometimes errors of 2 km.
– The half marathon was almost 1.5 km(!) too short and the mini marathon was 9.6 km rather than the announced 10 km.
– Delayed and disorganized award ceremony.
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