Results – Adidas King of the Road

This morning’s Adidas King of the Road race was dominated by the local runners. Neither the Kenyans nor other super fast foreigners came to start, perhaps they didn’t expect the registration to close months prior race day. Nevertheless, the male winner (บุญถึง ศรีสังข์) and first runner up (สัญชัย นามเขต) both finished this 16.8k race in just over 55 minutes. Impressive! Fastest woman of the day was Thai speedster ณัฐธยาน์ ธนรณวัฒน์, finishing at 67 minutes.

Full result list – 16.8k by ChampionChip Thailand.

Official results from the 10k and 5k race is yet to be announced.

"Maz the Machine" finished 9th in the 10k race
“Maz the Machine” finished 9th in the 10k race
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