Stockholm Marathon Splits

I’ll let Saturday’s Stockholm Marathon sink in before writing a proper race review. In summary though, effortless for 25-30k, then I had to work a bit until I hit the wall completely with 8k to go. The splits and videos are revealing exactly what happened.

I finished in 2.33. Really felt I had a faster time in me, but I was probably too naive in the first half of the race. Give me a few more days and I’ll be mature enough to see it as a learning experience. During the last kilometers however, I decided to quit running for good… as I do towards the end of every hard race.
For 99.99% of the rest of humanity, well runners, it was a huge achievement. Hope those few more days come soon and you don’t quit Henrik … you are an inspiration to many of us. Both before and after this race.
Completely agree with Iain. It was a super human performance to most of us. But no doubts you will break 2:30 soon. Rest, recover, then hit the road hard again.
Thanks a lot for the kind words Iain and Rae, I’m flattered!
I won’t quit Iain. That’s just how it feels in the end of any tough race, but I always change my mind when I’ve crossed the finish line 🙂
“Rest, recover, then hit the road hard again.” – Exactly what I’ll do!
If you don’t feel like quitting near the end you didn’t run hard enough
I also support the others views. Well done Henrik! Super effort
Guys like u give mortals like us inspiration everyday. It’s a joy to see u flying around Bangkok streets and parks.
Maybe the sub 2:30 could lay in Melbourne?
Cheers Guy! Melbourne Marathon seems like a great race and Australia is on the places-to-visit-soon-list. October is maybe too soon though… let’s add it to 2015’s calendar!