Thailand Race Updates – August 2014

August’s Thai race calendar is a smorgasbord of interesting running events! Everything from fun runs to 50k races are on offer, from Songkhla in the south to Chiang Mai in the north. Here’s a taste of the buffet:
August 3
The Bangkok Ultra Trail Festival – trail run in the outskirts of Bangkok (Nong Chok), 7k-50k.
The Rainbow Run – The third edition of this popular charity event in Lumpini Park, Bangkok. 2.5k-10k, pure fun running, no timing. (Sold out)

August 10
Bangkok Post International Mini Marathon – Competitive mini marathon through central Bangkok.
Chaiyaphum Marathon – Isan (north-eastern Thailand) race with distances from 5k to full marathon. Cash awards up to 7,000 THB.
August 12
12th August Half Marathon – Popular half marathon along the streets of Bangkok on Mothers Day. Start and finish at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center.
August 30
Songkhla Marathon – A marathon in the south of Thailand. A strong starting field is expected, cash awards up to 10,000 THB.
Human Run 2014 – 5k to half marathon, race venue Sanam Luang in Bangkok. (Sold out)

>> All Thailand Running Events in August
Find your race(s) and sign up. Now. Many running events in Thailand get fully booked early on nowadays. You are not the only one who enjoys getting up ridiculously early on a Sunday morning and torture yourself.
Register me for the Marathon of Songkla August 31, 2014. Where can i pay the race fee and where can I register my details for the marathon ?? and can you give the adress from the start, so i can make i reservation from the hotel near by the start.
with best regards
Mr.F Mijnals Chairman of
Hi Frank,
The registration will open on Aug 7 according to the organizer.
Map to the race venue:
Address (in Thai): สมาคมบัณฑิตรัตน์ สำนักงานหาดใหญ่
3840 ซอย 1, ถนนบ้านจ่า, ตำบลหาดใหญ่ อำเภอหาดใหญ่ จังหวัดสงขลา, 90110
Good thank you, can you give the adress in englisch mine thai, reading and speaking is not so wel.
And on wich website is de registration?
With best regards
Mr F mijnals
The address in English is something like:
Department of Philosophy Society
3840 Soi 1, Banja Road, HatYai, Songkhla Province, 90110 Thailand
Hopefully the website for registration will be announced on Thursday too.
Hi i try to find the website for registration for Marathon of Songkla August 31, 2014.
can not find it you can help me out with this
and search the ride one website
with best regards
Hi again Frank,
The online registration for Songkhla Marathon opened today.
Find more details here: