Vertical Marathon Teaser

Today I got a little reminder of how the Vertical Marathon is like. I was shooting a promotion video for the sponsor of this race which takes place next week. Fortunately I only had to run a few floors each time, but a shooting of 20-25 floors was enough to refresh the memory of why I only run vertical once a year.
Apparently Banyan Tree is open for training runs the Saturday one week prior the actual race. A couple of enthusiasts had gathered to try the race course out.
Hi Henrik,
During the (9 km) Run Through History Fun Run today, I kept telling myself that I will never race in hot and humid conditions again! I’m actually looking forward to the Vertical Marathon, because it should all be over for me in about 25% of the time it took me today 🙂
PS It can get to 45 degrees (on rare occasions) where I live in Australia, but if it does, the humidity is always low
Hi David,
The weather conditions aren’t ideal in Bangkok, but I’m sure you’ll go out running in that kind of humidity soon again nevertheless 🙂
How did you find the Run Through History event otherwise? Of what I’ve heard, it was a nice one.
Right, the vertical race is quickly over with, but it’s intense and painful!
Hi Henrik,
A training run in the humidity is not so bad. You can run easy, and stop early – but I can’t take it easy in a race! Anyway, my wife and I are staying near Lumpini Park until Tuesday, so I’m thinking of doing a couple of laps in the sauna (park) tomorrow morning 🙂
Yeah, the Run Through History event was well organised – I made a comment about it on your post about the Central World run.
I did 10 x 7 flights of stairs the other morning (but only ran the last set), so I should be okay for Sunday 🙂
Enjoy the “sauna run”! Morning runs in Lumpini are great!
I’m sure you’re ready for Sunday, it’s not even 200m 😉